Saturday, June 12, 2010

Passion Pit at the Fillmore

Here are the photos from Passion Pit, a.k.a the BeeGees circa 2010. There is not one girl in the band, even though it sounds as if Michael Angelakos was in a former life. Assumptions were false for this one, and I had a great time letting the dance pop music swirl around my ears.

I heard from an employee of the Fillmore that he was tired of this type of music and that we have low standards for our generation. I don't blame him - everyone's got a problem with today's music, and believe me I have one or two.I still think this music is a phase. It's the disco of our generation, and just like emo music, it'll pass.

For now, an old homeless man is standing outside of EMI and Atlantic with a cardboard doomsday sign and wailing, "the eennd is neeearr!!" And anyone who has the money, the networking, and chutzpah to tour for basically an entire year is going to survive. Passion Pit are just doing what it takes without the huge label, so props to them.

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